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  • Louise Morris

The 30 Day September Squat Challenge is BACK!

Updated: Aug 11, 2021

Welcome to the 30 Day September Squat Challenge!

Designed to get you moving, this is a great way to increase your daily activity along with strengthening your body. Keep yourself accountable & motivated by joining our Facebook group here ! WHY SQUAT? Squats are my all time favorite exercise because this awesome functional move works so many muscle groups! When you squat you fire up all the major leg muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes) plus the abdominals & back. Such a great way to get more bang for your buck! Also, because you're using so many muscle groups, the squat becomes a great calorie burning exercise while building your lean muscle mass! SQUAT TECHNIQUE Feet slightly wider than your shoulders

Resistance band above your knees Brace your abdominals Inhale and drive your hips back while keeping your chest lifted and your knees in line with your toes Stop once you reach a 90 degree angle Exhale and slowly return back to the starting position OTHER INFO To ensure that you keep great technique and prevent your knees from 'caving,' add one of my new fabric resistance bands into the mix to add some awesome intensity to your squats! You can check them out HERE

You don't need to complete the full amount of squats in one hit, spread them out through the day and keep your metabolism cranking! Warmup beforehand by completing 10 Sumo Squats

This challenge is suitable for all exercise levels.

For those new to squatting, feel free to hold on to a chair while you squat.

For the more advanced squatter add some more resistance to your squat eg. Barbell, Dumbbell, Kettlebell or try another variation if you prefer eg. front squat, pistol squat, one legged squat, plie squat...

ALWAYS check with your doctor before undertaking any new exercise Now go and drop it like its hot!

Lou x

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