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  • Louise Morris

Finding the time to exercise with a new baby

I'm back!

After giving birth to my second daughter 9 weeks ago I wanted to ensure that my abdominal separation (diastasis recti) was rectified before undertaking any training. I aimed to complete my physiotherapist prescribed exercises everyday (in actual fact this happened every third to fourth day), with most of the exercises focused on strengthening the transverse abdominis (this is the deepest of the tummy muscles and acts like a corset to stabilize the lower back and pelvis). A few weeks ago while visiting my amazing physio, I was excited to be informed that my abdominal separation was down to a 1cm gap (post partum it was 5cm!) Yay! With my core feeling heaps stronger and itching to get back into some form of exercise, I started to wonder how I was going to actually fit any exercise in with 2 kids AND cook meals, clean the house, do the washing etc. etc. etc.! My main priority at the moment is spending this precious time with my girls and I wasn't going to let my exercise regime to take me away from this. I have a very active 3 year old and a baby that feeds 4 hourly, therefore going to the gym isn't always possible on a regular basis.

I decided that what was going to work best for me was to incorporate exercise into my current routine as best I can without placing too much pressure on myself. Some days don't go to plan of course but this is the routine I have set out for myself (in big letters on my gym room wall) and the kids and I love it! MONDAY Toddler in Daycare Pram Jog - 2 laps around the lake Compound Resistance work while baby sleeps - Squat with Overhead Press, Lunges, Push-ups, Physio Abdominal Exercises TUESDAY Pram walk around lake (toddler on skateboard) Races up the hill with my toddler Physio Abdominal Exercises WEDNESDAY Home gym workout while baby sleeps & toddler jumps on mini trampoline inbetween Princess and Ballerina costume changes 20 minutes elliptical (often split into 2 x 10 minute halves of toddler gets hungry or needs me to help with her costume changes!) Compound Resistance Work - Squats, Lunges, Push-ups, Overhead Presses, Physio Abdominal Exercises THURSDAY Toddler in Daycare Pram Jog - 2 laps around the lake Yoga at home while baby sleeps FRIDAY Pram walk around lake (toddler on skateboard) Races up the hill with my toddler Playground Bodyweight Resistance Exercises - Elevated Lunges, Tricep Dips, Push-ups, Physio Abdominal Exercises SATURDAY Home gym workout while baby sleeps & toddler jumps on mini trampoline in between Princess and Ballerina costume changes 20 minutes elliptical (often split into 2 x 10 minute halves of toddler gets hungry or needs me to help with her costume changes!) Compound Resistance work while baby sleeps - Squats, Walking Lunges, Push-ups, Overhead Presses, Physio Abdominal Exercises SUNDAY Pram walk around lake with family (toddler on skateboard) This training routine is a mixture of basic cardio & resistance exercises with the aim of regaining my fitness & strength. I have loved seeing my results so far and the feeling of more energy and all without having to leave my girls! I have also increased my (already massive due to breastfeeding!) food intake which includes lots of nuts, fresh vegetables, yoghurt, eggs and wholegrains. *Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise routine

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